Life is like a hurican here in duck burg race cars,lasers airoplanes Its a duck blur!Might solve mystery,or rewrite
histrory! Ducktales (WowO)everyday that i've been making ducktales (wowo)! Tales of daring goo bad and good lucktales
(wowo)! Whenit seems their heading for the final curtain! No good duck should never fail and thats for certain! The
worse of missin becomes excessive! Ducktales(wowo) everyday that i've been making ducktales (wowo)! Tales of daring
goo bad and good luck tales (wowo)! Da da danger watch behind you!Theres a stranger out to find you! WHat to do just
grab on to some ducktales(wowo) (ooo)ducktales (wowo)Everyday that i've been making ducktales (wowo)! Tales of daring
goo bad and good lucktales (wowo) Da da danger watch behind you theres a stranger out to find you! What to do just grab
onto some ducktales (wowo) Everyday that i've been making ducktales (wowo)! Tales of daring goo bad and good luck tales
(wowo) Everyday that i've been making ducktales(wowo) Takes of daring goo bad and good lucktales(wowo)! No Ponitails
or cottontails but ducktales (wowo) (wowo .................................wowo)